Yukon Ombudsman Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner Yukon Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner

Yukon Ombudsman

Investigations and Submissions

Ombudsman investigations are confidential, but the Ombudsman can report publicly on investigations that are in the public interest.

Full investigations by the Ombudsman are relatively infrequent and most complaints are resolved using our informal complaint resolution process. We do not report details of every complaint resolved informally but examples of this work are included in our annual reports.

Investigation Reports

Submissions on Proposed or Current Legislation


Relevant FAQs

Do all complaints get investigated?

Not necessarily. Each complaint is unique and we try to choose the most appropriate way to deal with it. Sometimes that means an investigation. Other times, we may use mediation or negotiation. Whenever possible, we contact the government office to see if an early resolution can be achieved.

What is an Ombudsman?

The term Ombudsman comes from the Swedish language, meaning “protector of the people”. There is no clearer or simpler way to express the core goal of this office. Our mission is to provide an independent means by which public complaints concerning the Yukon government can be heard and investigated. Our job is to promote fairness, and help improve government services.

What does the Yukon Ombudsman do?

The Ombudsman is an impartial investigator who takes complaints regarding public organizations, like Yukon government. The Ombudsman can independently and impartially look at a matter to see whether or not you have been treated fairly. If the Ombudsman finds that you have been treated unfairly, she can make recommendations to address the unfairness. Independent review of individual complaints can work to improve government administration. We also work to educate the public and government about fairness in administration and the role of our office.

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