The Ombudsman, Information and Privacy Commissioner and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner is an independent officer of the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
Yukon Ombudsman
The Ombudsman promotes and protects fairness in the delivery of government and other public services. If you are a citizen and have been treated unfairly when engaging these services, we will work to resolve the unfairness. The Ombudsman also works proactively with Authorities to assist them in delivering services more fairly.
Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner
The Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) is responsible for ensuring that citizens have access to any information held by Public Bodies or personal or health information held by Public Bodies and Custodians. The IPC is also responsible to ensure the privacy of personal and health information is properly protected. If you were denied access to information by these bodies or you believe your privacy was violated, we will work to provide you access and protect your privacy. The IPC also works proactively with Public Bodies and Custodians to make information more accessible and to better protect privacy.
Yukon Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
The Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner (PIDC) is responsible to investigate disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints about reprisal. If you disclose a wrongdoing, we will work to correct the wrongdoing. If you are reprised against, we will work to ensure you are protected. The PIDC also works with Public Entities to develop internal disclosure procedures that are fair and confidential.